EP 47: The Secret Tool to Wake Up Your Wellness Superpower

Imagine finally being able to tap into your strengths, not a cookie-cutter program. Learn how to leverage your lifestyle - effortlessly. Say goodbye to getting tripped up by unexpected challenges. How? In this episode you'll discover how to use a powerful classic tool from business -- the SWOT analysis -- to succeed in your wellness. Use your Strengths, work around your Weaknesses, take advantage of your Opportunities, and overcome your Challenges. You deserve a wellness plan that revolves around YOU.

Here are the additional resources I mention.

Episode 22 How to Get the Support You Need

Episode 44 - Fending Off Food Pushers and Food Police

EP 46: Fitness Apps - Are they Friend or Foe

Here’s the Data4All podcast Data in Nutrition episode I mention in this Real Wellness episode. You’ll discover some nutrition and wellness apps I recommend.

- Learn about the benefits and pitfalls of fitness apps
- Answer "Is my app tracking accurate?"
- Discover how they can disconnect you from your body's signals
(and what to do about it)
- Gain valuable insights on how to make the most out of fitness apps
- Find several helpful fitness apps I love that can transform your wellness journey.

EP 43: Summer Favorites that Are Amazing for Your Health Too

Summer favorites that are full of flavor are also the superstars for your health. Who knew that juicy watermelon and crunchy cucumber are superfoods in their own right? In this episode discover my 3 favorite summer herbs, 6 favorite fruits and vegetables, and why these perfect-in-the-summer foods are perfect for you.

Bonus resource videos -



Basil - There’s one point in the video where I mislabel holy basil and sweet basil. Watch for it.

Essential oils for energy

EP 42: Sweet Escape - The Links between Stress-Diets-and-Food

How does stress and cortisol impact your craving for pasta, cookies, and other comfort food?

What does science say about whether dieting increases your cortisol?

Do certain foods help you handle stress?

Ultimately - What can you do in your life and food to lower your stress and enjoy your life?



The DASH Diet to lower blood pressure

EP 41: Is Short Meditation Better? The Results Are In.

Is it better to mediate daily, but short - or to meditate periodically, but long? After research and my own 6 month experiment, I'm ready to share the answers.

Here are the resources I mentioned:

Guided Meditation for Mindful Eating



EP 40: Crush Excuses - Overcome the 3 Biggest Roadblocks to Wellness

Do you find yourself with zero time for wellness habits like working out, prepping healthy meals, or meditating? Life can get overwhelming (understatement, right?) - and it is easy to let your wellness slide.

  • Overcome the "too busy" morning

  • Conquer the "too tired at night" to prep for the next day

  • Experience wellness when you feel there's no time for it.

EP 39: Love vs Fear - Win the Battle of Healthy Habits

What if changing just one core belief would make wellness faster and frictionless? When you shift from fear-based decisions to love-based decisions, you become powerful in your wellness. Discover the truth about "why" you make a decision - and how that is more important than the decision itself. Get free from the false-morality about your wellness.

Additional resource: http://www.thevireolife.com/podcast/2023/3/22/ep-30-how-to-become-a-better-intuitive-eater

EP 38: How to Breakthrough 3 Limiting Beliefs that Stop Momentum

What your mind attends to continually, it believes. And you'll eventually live it out.

So let's make sure what you are believing will get you what you want in your wellness. Easily.

Discover the 3 limiting beliefs I hear most often - and have experienced myself. And, of course, practical ways to breakthrough them.


EP 37: Why Workplace Wellness - How to Build a Stronger Team Now

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What is it costing when your company doesn't promote wellness?

Plus how to start and keep an effective wellness culture.

  • Learn about the Stages of Change Model

  • Hear from two companies who are doing wellness right

  • Get 5 questions to start and keep the wellness conversation going

EP 36: From Burnout to Breakthrough - Learn How Your Wellness Boosts Your Career

When you feel like something is holding back your career and you are not sure what it is ... it may be your wellness.

  • Eight questions to reveal how you can improve your work by improving your wellness

  • The research on the connection between your healthy habits and your success

  • Examples you can use today to move from burnout to breakthrough

Eight questions to ask yourself:

1. How is my health and fitness helping me be successful?

2. How is my health and fitness preventing next level success?

(Either because not feeling my best OR because I’m trying to optimize my fitness and I’ve lost balance – listen to http://www.thevireolife.com/podcast/2023/4/27/ep-35-surprising-signs-you-may-be-maximizing-wellness-to-your-hurt )

3. Do I wake up and within an hour I’m energized and looking forward to what I’ll get done?

4. When do I mentally check out?  When do I go through motions? When do I feel tension and thoughts spin? (All the time? Certain days? Certain situations? After a big project? With certain people?

5. When do I feel exhausted and unmotivated?

6. What things can I do during day to stay mentally calm alert/engaged? 

7. What snack or lunch is both easy and fit in a Powerful Plate?

8. When do I most need to take breaks? What types of breaks recharge me the most?

Wondering how sitting and standing differ in your ability to succeed?

Check out these two resources to learn even more -



EP 35: Surprising Signs You May Be Maximizing Wellness - to Your Hurt

How do you know if you are falling for the idea of optimizing wellness?

How does this philosophy actually hold back your success?

What's a better way to think about wellness?

In this episode discover the surprising signs you are trying to maximize your wellness and a more powerful, effective way to live.

EP 33: How to Create the High Energy Lifestyle You Need

Let’s put together your High Energy plan. This is one of the most important episodes yet, as it culminates all the last two series.

To understand more on the topics in this episode, check out these previous episodes I mention












EP 32: This is Why You Need More Sunshine Now

What's a foundational practice for great energy that's so easy it could be called a "hack"? Sunlight. Discover the research of why sunlight is so good for your body and brain -- when to get it -- how much you need -- and easy ways to get more.

Here’s Episode 15 that I mentioned - Fast and Easy Ways to Keep Your Energy Up

EP 31: Energize with Simple Shifts in What You See and Hear

Discover how clutter and noise impact your energy. And how clutter and noise are relative terms -- what is clutter to you may be cozy to someone else. Your brain is unique. In this episode find out about a resource for productivity, that is designed for your unique brain. It’s linked here -

Focus at Will for productivity music

Also, check out Mridu Parikh’s podcast Life is Organized for organizing your work and life.

EP 29: This is the Fun and Powerful Way to Eat

In this episode discover the simple way to eat a Powerful Plate for energy. Also, how Intuitive Eating helps you with focus and mental energy.

Here are the additional resources I mentioned in the episode:






EP 28: Will Bone Broth Actually Make You Feel Amazing

Is bone broth good for you? How can bone broth help your brain, your body, and give you more energy? Can you make slow cooker or Instant Pot Bone Broth? When are good times to drink bone broth and how else can you use it? So many answers in this episode for you! It's almost a magic elixir that fits in your Real Wellness lifestyle.

Bonus resource - Here's the video I mentioned. http://www.thevireolife.com/blog/2022/6/2/3-unusual-ways-to-improve-your-gut-health