Why You Numb Out and How to Stop

After conversations with two clients about numbing out and escaping with food, I got the message:

It is time to share with you 3 tips to stop numbing out and start actually comforting yourself.

I share a little of their stories and mine. So guess what? You aren’t alone.

Listen in to discover more about these three tips to stop numbing out:

  • Set a timer with an exit for your numbing

  • Determine how long you will sit with discomfort

  • Include mini-fun and comfort breaks throughout your day

A Small Easy Way to Manage Your Stress

How do you not get stressed out and end the work day completely exhausted?

Recently, I got tired of feeling completely spent at the end of a work day.  My mind and emotions both scattered and spent.

When looking through my journal, I began noticing that I followed a pattern…

  • Work on something.

  • Then while walking to get a glass of water, my mind would be thinking about what wasn’t finished or what projects were next.

  • Dive into the next thing, with my mind a little distracted from what I’d just thought about.

  • Drive to a meeting, thinking about what I was behind on.

  • Engage with people, but with my mind a little more distracted and tired.

  • Drive back to my office, my mind re-arranging how to fit 5 more hours of work into the 3 hours I had left.

Sound familiar?

Then at the end of the day I would “practice stress management” - whether meditation or journal or an evening walk or just collapse with a movie.

Is a Daily Stress Management Session Enough?


These once-a-day practices weren’t enough to keep my build up of mental and emotional stress. 

So every day I had less creativity and energy and more frustration than the day before, until I would end up with a day every couple of weeks completely spent.

Once I drew the line in the sand and said “No More”, I recalled an idea a therapist shared with me. Something she does to keep stress at bay throughout the day.

I call it “White Space Mindful Moments”

In just two days I noticed a massive shift in my energy, creativity, and - yes - lowered stress.

Watch this quick video. Then comment how you will unplug in your own “White Space Mindful Moments”

Think Different about the Stress (and Fun!) of Business Travel

What if traveling for business could be fulfilling and not frustrating? What if it could leave you not exhausted, but energized?

It can.

Two weeks ago I experimented - with myself - on a business trip. My goal?

  • Decrease the stress of travel

  • Create fulfilling moments with business partners

  • Come away refreshed instead of feeling run over

I got inspired by two of my clients who travel constantly for business.

In this video I tell you their secrets, show you all of my personal experiments and share my results.

Sneak Peek:

  • Taking made-local gifts for the meeting hosts strengthened new relationships.

  • Arriving a few hours early eliminated the worry of “what if the flight is delayed or cancelled”

  • The bonus time turned into a historic walking tour!

  • Staying at a local B&B, instead of a chain hotel, made the evenings feel like a vacation.

  • A last minute decision (you’ll find out what in the video) increased my productivity and lowered my stress at the same time!

3 Unusual Ways to Improve Your Gut Health

Two weeks ago at the Nourished Festival I spoke with 495 participants on Improve Your Gut to Improve Your Brain. So many people reached out after with their stories and insights.

I am sharing with you three unusual tips from the workshop.

Guess what? It’s not all about food.

(Yes. Some of it is about food — check out this recent blog post for those steps to take.)

These off-the-beaten-path tips are simple and they will fit in your busy lifestyle. And I promise, your personal ROI is great.

To get the full workshop replay, email me at sheri@thevireolife.com.

Fun Spring Wellness Routines

Why is going with the flow of the season important?

Because when you try to go against nature’s rhythm, you make it harder for yourself to live healthy.

When you use the strength of the season, sticking with your wellness lifestyle is enjoyable. And easy.

For example, on a 70 degree, sunny Spring day, trudging on a treadmill is going to be procrastinated.

But a lunch time walk in the park feels like play.

Also, there are advantages to Spring offered to you in no other season.

Part of my evening routine is to journal and read. In the Spring I love to enjoy that outside. Why?

Spring is the only season with cool-not-cold evenings with no mosquitos.

Watch this video to get inspired by several ways to Spring-Fling your wellness rituals.

My Spring Challenge to you?

Create one way to embrace the Spring season into your healthy routines.

Enjoy Spring’s gifts while they are here. They truly only come once a year.

Amp Up Your Brain Power with These Fun Activities

You’re busy. You sometimes skip your workouts to get more done. But then … it backfires, leaving you less able to focus, make good decisions, or have the mental energy you need.

Because you’re busy, you don’t want to waste time. You want to make sure your workout is actually benefitting your brain and focus.

I’ve got your answer.

In this short video, you’ll discover the fun options to boost your brain power.

Easy and Fast Way to Lower Your Stress

If you have ten minutes you can significantly relieve the stress.

Do this:

  1. Watch this video (less than 7 minutes)

  2. Do the technique (less than 2 minutes)

There you go. Less than 10 minutes and stress is running away from you.

My Screen-Zombie-Zone Story

I’m partnering with a local retreat center to host a Screen Free Week Kickoff Event. As we have been getting ready for this, we decided to ask each other some questions.

It brought up some “Well, this is embarrassing” moments … as well as remembering some times I’ve managed my screen-time well and motivated me to get back to it.

If you live in the middle Tennessee area, I’d love to have you join me on April 28, Sunday afternoon, to learn how to do your unique Screen Free week - plus walk, hike, and have a lot of fun together. (If you don’t live around middle TN, check out the Screen Free week website for events in your area.)

Here’s my “oops” story … (and a link to register for our Connect More: Screen-Free Kick off Event) - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/connect-more-a-kickoff-to-screen-free-week-tickets-59946971004

10 How To's for Heart Health

Celebrating National Heart Health Month … let’s talk about 10 ways to improve your heart health and decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease.

  1. Step number one: When was your last annual check up with your doctor? If it has been over a year, stop reading this and call to set up your appointment. Getting your baseline “blood work” (blood sugar, cholesterol, etc.) and talking with your doctor about your heart health is foundational.

  2. While you are waiting for the appointment day, start walking 20 minutes a day for 3 days a week. In a 2001 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association even “1 hour of walking per week predicted lower risk” of heart disease.


3. Got that baseline walking as a habit? Then let’s build up the walking to 20 minutes to an hour on 5 days per week. This will lower your risk even more.

4. Trouble fitting in the extra walking? No worries. Your heart doesn’t care how it gets worked, it just wants to get worked. Try cleaning house at a brisk pace or washing your car by hand or push mowing your lawn. Or try these other ideas.

5. Needing some family time? Playing tag and throwing Frisbees can get your heart pumping. (Especially if you are like me - walking to get it when I don’t catch it.)

6. Smoking? Exercise can help you kick the habit. Seek the help you need to stop.

7. An apple a day … or oatmeal … or beans … or nuts/seeds … or even avocados. These are all rich in the type of fiber that helps to lower “bad” cholesterol.

8. Laugh. A. Lot. It is great to help reduce blood pressure…which relates to #9.

9. Stress less. What are your stress triggers? How do you relieve stress? Stress comes at us all, so have a plan.

10. Strength train. Once you have your walking or other heart-pumping exercise in habit, add some strength training to increase your “good” cholesterol. Even two strength training sessions per week will help your heart health.

Questions? Let me know.