A Small Easy Way to Manage Your Stress

How do you not get stressed out and end the work day completely exhausted?

Recently, I got tired of feeling completely spent at the end of a work day.  My mind and emotions both scattered and spent.

When looking through my journal, I began noticing that I followed a pattern…

  • Work on something.

  • Then while walking to get a glass of water, my mind would be thinking about what wasn’t finished or what projects were next.

  • Dive into the next thing, with my mind a little distracted from what I’d just thought about.

  • Drive to a meeting, thinking about what I was behind on.

  • Engage with people, but with my mind a little more distracted and tired.

  • Drive back to my office, my mind re-arranging how to fit 5 more hours of work into the 3 hours I had left.

Sound familiar?

Then at the end of the day I would “practice stress management” - whether meditation or journal or an evening walk or just collapse with a movie.

Is a Daily Stress Management Session Enough?


These once-a-day practices weren’t enough to keep my build up of mental and emotional stress. 

So every day I had less creativity and energy and more frustration than the day before, until I would end up with a day every couple of weeks completely spent.

Once I drew the line in the sand and said “No More”, I recalled an idea a therapist shared with me. Something she does to keep stress at bay throughout the day.

I call it “White Space Mindful Moments”

In just two days I noticed a massive shift in my energy, creativity, and - yes - lowered stress.

Watch this quick video. Then comment how you will unplug in your own “White Space Mindful Moments”