Mindful Eating Meditation

Do you leave the holiday meals miserable or content?

A few days ago I was talking with a client about his desire for food to be a place of celebration, not a source of suffering.

It is possible.

It starts with a simple, powerful practice. This practice will shift how you see yourself in relation to food.

You will increase your desire for what you want. Doing what you want will be easier.

What's this practice?


Here’s a “just follow along” guided meditation to make it easier to eat well.

For a “make your own” visualization, try these basics:

1. Think about how you want to feel, physically and emotionally, after eating.

2. Picture your mealtime or party. See yourself making the choices you want. See yourself enjoying the food and stopping when you are no longer hungry.

3. How will you feel? Sense the peaceful and joyful emotions and being proud of yourself after eating.

You can visualize anytime - while you are brushing your teeth, shaving, or as you go sleep ...

The key? Practice daily.