How to prevent and treat incontinence Part One

Have you ever second-guessed if you could hike a long distance, run, jump rope, or play on a trampoline because of a little talked about issue … leaky bladder?

One of the silent problems that keeps people, women especially, from being more active is a pelvic floor that is too tight or weak (or both).

In this video I interview my good friend, Dr. Laura Gordey, who specializes in getting women active again through pelvic floor health.

Parents be aware — because the topic is adult-centered, you may want to make sure the video is age-appropriate for your kids. I mean that two ways … if your kids are ready to hear/discuss adult (medical) terminology AND making sure that your older teenage girls are aware that taking action now with pelvic floor health can set them up for success throughout life.

Just to keep this serious medical topic light, we set up and filmed in a women’s lounge. So, when you hear toilets flushing in the background, it is no mistake.


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