Ten (Side) Benefits of Small Space Gardening
/When we started gardening it was because I said “If I’m going to have to tend to landscaping, I want to eat it.”
So our initial benefit was some of our grocery store was out our back door.
But I’ve experienced surprises along the way …
Time with Doug - planning, planting, harvesting.
Get to know neighbors better - they are always curious about what’s growing.
Fun sharing herbs and volunteer plants with friends
Beautiful setting for morning Bible Study
Lovely place for lunch
Getting to learn about bugs and bees
Learning about plants and various ways to use them. (Who knew radish greens were delicious?)
Weeding is a great time to let your mind wander and relax
Lots of life lessons are hidden in the garden — beyond just “sowing and reaping”
Chance for teens to earn missions-trip money, when we get tired of weeding.
If you have considered the idea of putting in a raised bed or small garden - do it.
It is worth it.