Made in the Shade

It is that time of year...time to get out your seed packets and your garden planning notebook.  (By the way, I love this new planning notebook, Week-by-Week Vegetable Gardener's Handbook, that White Harvest Seed introduced to me.)

In the book Week-by-Week Vegetable Gardener's Handbook by Ron and Jennifer Kujawski, I found an answer to one of my "Reader Questions."  Kim Hulett, this post is for you and for anyone else with shady yards.  Here are their tips based on hours of sunlight received:

  • 5 hours of direct sunlight?
  1. beets and carrots
  2. onions
  3. kohlrabi and turnips
  4. tomatoes and peppers
  5. beans
  6. squash
  7. cilantro, dill, thyme, marjoram
  • 2-4 hours of sunlight?
  1. leafy greens (kale, etc.)
  2. parsely, chives, and basil
  • Dappled sunlight?
  1. endive
  2. leaf lettuce
  3. leeks
  4. spinach
  5. radishes
  • Heavy shade - no sun at all?  I love their comment:  "You'd best plant yourself in line at the local produce market."

Happy planting (and eating)!  (By the way, for those who like charts and "when to do what" tips to help plan the garden, this book is a treasure.)


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