EP 27: How to Love Drinking Water to Energize You

Every action and reaction in your body goes on in a base of water. Even mild dehydration (read: I'm not thirsty yet) decreases your ability to think quickly and easily and increases your fatigue. In this episode learn what you can drink that hydrates you, what and when you are better off not drinking, the simplest ways to get rid of chlorine in your water, and how to enjoy water more. One of the books I mention for water filtration research is The Seven Pillars of Health by Dr. Don Colbert. The video I mention on gut health is here - http://www.thevireolife.com/blog/2022/6/2/3-unusual-ways-to-improve-your-gut-health

EP 8: Halloween Treats They'll Remember

I don't remember who gave me store bought candy when I went trick-or-treating.

I do remember the couple that gave me something unique every year. And because I remembered them, the wife became my first CPA.

The benefits to treating with something other than store bought candy go beyond being remembered. You teach the kids to have fun without excess sugar. You don't end up with junk food you don't even like.

But what if you DO like mini-chocolate candy? Discover in this episode how to get the most out of it. Enjoy!

Here’s the take-you-down-memory-lane recipe:
